Our Products

Looking for something else?

Contact our team to inquire about additional products such as live Atlantic lobster or oysters.

  • Deliver Unmatched Quality

    MSC-certified sustainable seafood sourced directly from the pristine waters of Atlantic Canada, ensuring every bite is fresh, flavorful, and sustainably harvested.

  • Empower Your Kitchen

    By sharing the health benefits and simplicity of cooking seafood, we aim to make it an easy and delightful addition to your family's meals.

  • Build a Sustainable Future

    By supporting sustainable fishing practices, we help protect our oceans and ensure that future generations can enjoy the same high-quality seafood we do today.

The Process

How it Works

  1. Choose your wild caught seafood
  2. Checkout and choose delivery date
  3. Delivered to your door
  4. Cook, enjoy, & share!
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